Project Management Challenges
Every delivery leader would agree that consistent, standard, repeatable delivery execution is a goal of every organization. To achieve this, services organizations need a strong, industry-proven project management capability coupled with the right management and governance structure to measure and monitor the project portfolio.
Assessing your project management capability requires you to answer the following questions:
- Do you have a standardized approach to project management that is widely adopted and uniformly applied?
- Do project managers and others have the skills and training required to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively?
- Do you have appropriate processes and tools in place to provide a view of the entire project portfolio on-demand?
- Have you defined and communicated the right controls and metrics by which all projects should be managed?
- Do you have a Project Management Organization, or PMO, that drives all of this?
If you answered ‘no’ to one or more of the questions above, then you have an opportunity to improve your project management execution. Poor project execution is a leading driver of services margin erosion and poor customer satisfaction. RTM Consulting can help you solve for these challenges.
Our Services
RTM Consulting provides a number of services to assist you in improving the way your organization manages projects and governs the overall delivery portfolio.
Project & Portfolio Management Assessment
RTM Consulting will review the end-to-end management of your projects, from inception to close, both at the individual project level and from the portfolio governance perspective, to identify opportunities for improvement in process and data standardization, automation, and organizational behavior. The output of the assessment will provide your organization with a prioritized set of recommendations to achieve measurable improvement to your project performance.
Project & Portfolio Management Optimization
Whether it is based on the needs identified in the assessment phase, or targeting a specific area of project management execution, RTM Consulting will lead or assist you in implementing best practices to drive more consistency and transparency with project management. Services for this include:
- Project Management methodology development and standardization
- Creating the right Project Management Office (PMO) for your organization
- PMO Optimization – getting more value and results from your existing PMO
PMO QuickStart
The effort to effectively and adequately redefine processes, implement automation, and change the behavior of the team for managing projects and portfolios takes time. Services leaders, however, often need results in weeks, not months. To address this, RTM Consulting has developed our PMO QuickStart which combines the assessment phase activities with targeted optimization recommendations to accelerate your speed-to-value.
Project Management Training
Project Managers continually look to enhance their project management skills and drive successful delivery. To address this need RTM Consulting has built project management training programs that focus on enhancing the soft skills of project managers to complement their PM methodology, business, and technical knowledge to help them become more strategic and help them deliver a better customer experience. Click Here for more information on our training for Project Managers.