Professional Services Automation
There’s been a lot of talk about Digital Transformation and PS Automation. True transformation is more than just technology, however. It’s fundamentally changing how a business operates and delivers value to its customers.
RTM Consulting’s holistic approach to help professional and consulting services organizations keep pace with a rapidly changing technology landscape is to look at the full picture – process and organizational improvements along with technology to support those new processes. The fast pace of innovation within the industry combined with broader technology trends present services organizations with more compelling, cost-effective solutions that makes the status quo and incremental approaches no longer acceptable.
RTM Consulting has the knowledge, tools and practical experience to help customers on their digital transformation journey. We differentiate our approach to technology by leveraging our deep industry PS process experience, an understanding of your end users and what they are trying to achieve, and our unbiased insights as to the range of solution possibilities in the market. The end goal is to deploy useful, innovative technology that is embraced by your business users to improve business outcomes.
The Opportunity of Digital Transformation for Professional Services Organizations (PSOs)
How people use technology in their everyday lives is fundamentally changing how businesses have to operate to meet customer and marketplace demands. Simply automating a manual process is not enough. Key opportunities unique to the professional and consulting industry include:
- Emergence and maturity of PSA solutions as “ERP for Services”
- The need to leverage data, BI and AI for better decision-making
- Collaboration technology for connected ecosystems
- Enabling an integrated customer experience
Automation and transformation is a journey. Navigating this journey can be challenging.
- Do I re-design processes and then automate or visa-versa?
- What areas do I automate first?
- What are my requirements or what should they be?
- Which solutions are best?
- I’ve automated, but how do I improve adoption?
The complexity of all this not to mention the time and expense can overwhelm even the largest of organizations. When you consider what is involved, it’s no wonder that recent studies show more than half of all PSA users are unhappy with their automation solution.
RTMC Technology Services
Contact RTM Consulting for more information about PS Automation and how we can help your services organizations keep pace with a rapidly changing technology landscape.