Professional Services Business Optimization: Driving Success Throughout the PS Organization
The Definitive 6-Step Framework for Services Success
As services professionals and consultants, we all spend considerable time thinking about our clients’ businesses and managing the tactical activities of our own organizations – often leaving little to no time for the critical strategic considerations around our own Professional Services business model. Factors such as contribution to the overall business, alignment with the overall go-to-market model, the acceleration of revenue growth and resource utilization, just to name a few.
That’s exactly why we’ve written Professional Services Business Optimization: Driving Success Throughout the PS Organization, a white paper designed to help you systematically address the questions that are most central to your own success.
This complimentary paper will:
- Provide you with a step-by-step PS Business Optimization Framework
- Identify key drivers for success for each element of the framework
- Define actions that the PS organization can take to impact those drivers
- Provide a foundation for how a PS executive can move from tactical PS activities that maintain the status quo, to strategically driving the PS organization to new levels of success