Recent research has revealed some startling, but not surprising conclusions about project performance. While most companies have invested, in many cases heavily, in project management and quality processes, by far the most common failure in project performance – on-time, on-budget, quality – is the inability of delivery teams to get the right person in the right place at the right time. Yet, investment continues disproportionately in favor of project management and quality systems and methods, while failing to adequately invest and address human capital challenges fundamental to the processes project management and quality systems depend on.
Recently however, a new breed of process solutions has emerged, borrowing from the Just-in-Time Manufacturing movement of the 1980s, which may ultimately change the landscape of human capital management moving forward. But instead of “getting the right part in the right place at the right time,” these new methodologies focus on “getting the right person in the right place at the right time.”
This white paper, The Consulting Project Performance Paradox, details how early adopters in the Services industry are applying these new best-practices to revolutionize their services delivery, drastically improving overall business performance, and gaining major competitive advantages in the marketplace.