first time fixField and support service teams are challenged with first time fix performance, along with a lack of internal funding to tackle needed transformative efforts. Sound familiar? We all know better first time fix performance means happier customers and lower costs of servicing those customer incidents. But the question remains,

“How do I fund transformative efforts without impacting my current year budget?”

We have a 3 step process to help you tackle any type of first time fix issues and do it in a self-funded way…

  1. We conduct a rapid assessment to identify what is needed to improve your first time fix performance, and where the cost levers are to offset transformation efforts. Using the latest in lean six sigma science, and our innovative Variability Reduction (VR) Methodology, we get you the facts you can have confidence in.
  2. Attend training on our Variability Reduction Methodology – options include onsite training or convenient online training with a live instructor.
  3. Implement your transformative needs quickly using our VR Methodology. The essence of our VR method provides an agile approach to generating cost efficiencies quickly while enabling systematic change to your business processes and service performance.

To learn more, read our white papers, The Fastpath to Optimizing Labor, Parts and Vehicle Fleets and First Call/Visit Resolution. As always, we would love your feedback in the comments section!

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